June 30th

Today was the last day of camp we had 2 hours of classes military careers and UNG admissions and how to get I to selective colleges. and then later Dr. Sinn’s father came and gave a presentation about leadership for 3 hours. when we came into the room there was a bright orange envelope on each table, throughout his presentation he kept mentioning a paradigm. At the end he asked us what was in the envelope and I guessed it it was a pair of dimes. We had one last dinner together, at the award banquet, they had a slide show showing what we had done at camp. we all got a medal for attending the camp and then they gave out other awards. One of my close friends received a $2,000 scholarship as well as automatic enrollment into their honors program. I never would have imagine that I would receive an award; I received the ” You’ve got a Friend in Me” award for caring and helping the other campers. I will never forget the friends and memories I made. This camp has brought out a kinder and more confident me.

Logged: 5 hours

Completed: 94 hours

June 29th

WP_20170619_10_51_45_ProToday I had 3 hours of classes first I had game theory, logic, and then we learned about undergraduate programs offered by UNG. Later we had 4 hours of pine valley. We had our last quiz bowl. I miss my family , but I am going to miss my new friends so much my heart sinks at the thought of not seeing them again.

Logged:7 hours

Completed: 89 hours

June 28th

Today I had 3 hours of classes, crime and common sense, as well as free speech on campus. We learned more about the law, and we learned that colleges have bias and that we have to be careful when we are being taught. we have to contradict everything to keep our views straight. later we had 4 hours of pine valley; I had a second chance to lead an event today. I am really proud of my team we almost finished the event today and we work well together I know I struggled with handling the attitudes of some of my teammates but we did great today. later that night we had to use the skills we learned in etiquette class at our etiquette dinner. We had a great 2 hour dinner using our manners correctly and having fun.

Logged: 9 hours

Completed: 82 hours

June 27th

Today we had a long day, we travelled to the Gainesville UNG Campus, and spent our day learning about interesting programs offered by the university. We spent 8 hours there, many of the other campers were exhausted and kept falling asleep in class but I actively took notes and was genuinely interested in the unique technologies that UNG has for their programs. Later that night, we had an essay contest for 2 hours. I did better with this one, I met the required number of words and had well thought out ideas. I wrote about how the other campers inspired me to try new things and to not be afraid.

Logged:10 hours

Completed: 73 hoursSUMMER HONORS 16

June 26th

Today I had 3 hours of classes another college writing course, leadership discussion, and international etiquette. In my leadership class we discussed leadership styles and how they related to the novel we were reading, Ender’s Game. I myself am a servant leader; I know that that can sound paradoxical but I lead best by helping and encouraging others. we also discussed the techniques we used when trying to complete our scored leadership events. We had the etiquette class to prepare for our etiquette dinner later on in the week. later we changed and went to pine valley for 4 hours. I did something amazing today, and I never would have done it if it wasn’t for the support of my summer honors friends; I climbed up a 75ft pole with large staples on it. the hardest part was when I got to the top, the pole was wobbling, and I was trying to stand up. I struggled and couldn’t do it at first, but my friends were below and they were cheering me on. one of the counselors coached me through it  finally I was able to stand; I had done it and my heart swelled with pride. I   was on a harness and my fellow campers were holding my safety rope below I put my trust in them and took the “Leap of Faith”. That night we had another quiz bowl for two hours.

Logged: 9 hours

completed: 63 hours

June 25th

summer honors8We have no classes but we had camp Olympics we practice leading in team work. we  Were given riddles and tasks that need to be completed in a timely fashion. It was difficult because one of the girls on my team also had a bad attitude, and didn’t like any of my ideas. I just rolled with it and trying my best to stay calm and work together. We had camp Olympics for 3 hours.  We were not champions but we did well on the challenges despite our differences. This camp taught me that in my future im not always going to agree with the people on my team; compromise and patience are vital attributes needed for leadership.
Logged: 3 hours
Completed: 54 hours


June 24th

Today was interesting we begin our hike for Mount Yonah at 8:30 we didn’t get back to campus until 5:30. It was an adventurous day that’s for sure. I will never forget this day though. It was very physically demanding the hike was about 3 miles up and it was steep. It was beautiful though. When we got to the top we were allowed to eat lunch and look at the scenery. Later I repelled down the face of the mountain it was exciting and dangerous, but the it started pouring. The campers had to trek down a mountain while the trail transformed into a rushing river. Many of the campers slipped and fell so then I helped them get across. I asked some of the stronger campers to help as well and soon we all started lending a hand. We made it back to campus safe and soaked.
Logged: 10hours
Completed: 51 hours

June 23rd

I had 2 classes today criminology and game theory. They were in class for about 2 hours. Then we left and got ready for Pine Valley and we had a water system with me documented River organisms. That took an hour. I again was faced with opposition; during the water lab, I thought I saw an organism hiding in a tiny pine cone. The same kid from yesterday told me to stop wasting my time and to find something useful. I continued looking foe the creature and I found it I showed the professor and she was impressed. I’m glad I listened to my gut. Later one on the girls almost got dragged by the current I jumped in and grabbed her. I was soaked because I was not in a water suit, but it was worth it. Then we had Pine Valley for 4 hours. Today I led a scored leadership event it was not 100% successful but I learned a lot about my team’s strengths and weaknesses. We did not fail though. It was amazing too because one of the girls faced their fear of heights. That night we had an escape where we had to work together with our teams. It wasn’t quite so difficult because the boys are separated from the girls in the girls at lot easier to reason with. In the end we did not complete the task but it was lots of fun. I think it would’ve been easier with designated a leader for this challenge though because multiple people kept trying to lead. We did this capering for about an hour.
Logged: 8 hours
Completed: 41 hours

June 22nd

summer honors2 Today I had 3 hours of classes; the first class was logic where I found the solution to the first puzzle, and the next two classes were political science classes. we had to come up with public policies on very controversial topics. We had 4 hours at pine valley today I observed how other leaders worked today we had an activity called whale watching today where we had to balance a board with people on it. The team tried to find a loop hole, which isn’t what we should have done but the whole team ran with the idea so we got extra points. I liked how we worked together on the idea even though it was wrong; we stood by our decision. Later that night we had a Quiz bowl for 2 hours it was relatively easy, because I like to take tests.
Logged:10 hours
Completed: 33 hours

June 21st

Today I had three hours of classes, two psychoanalysis classes and one class of game theory.  The psychoanalysis class was very interesting. I learned about defense mechanisms and Jungian archetypes. We had a drawing activity, it was amazing how much you can learn about a person and his or her relationship based off of a five minute drawing. Later I spent 4 hours at Pine Valley, I watched others lead today. I think I learn more observing others as they try to lead us to complete the task, we found interesting ideas to try to complete the event. Later we spent an hour doing an escape room it was very difficult we each had to take charge and try to figure out  how to escape. Also one of the other campers turned 18 today and I decided to take donations to buy her a milkshake from Dairy Queen.

Logged: 8 hours

Completed: 23 hours